
This is a draft of the text that will appear on the journal website. To propose and discuss changes, please join the online forum.

Editorial board

The editorial board is responsible for coordinating the peer review of manuscripts that are submitted to the journal. Each submitted manuscript is assigned to a single editor who is solely responsible for deciding whether the manuscript should be published or not. Associate editors may be called upon to assist in various aspects of the peer review process.

Editor in chief

  • photo, name, position, affiliation, personal web page, orcid ID, Expertise list


  • photo, name, position, affiliation, personal web page, orcid ID, Expertise list

Associate editors

  • photo, name, position, affiliation, personal web page, Orcid ID Expertise list

Editorial board roles

The editorial board is composed of the editor-in-chief, the editors, and the associate editors. The editor-in-chief is appointed by the steering committee and is responsible for enforcing all journal editorial policies, overseeing timely editorial board meetings, standardizing review proceedures, and normalizing review timeliness among the editors. The editor-in-chief is by right a member of the steering committee and the editor search committee.

Editors oversee the peer review of manuscripts that are assigned to them, and the editor-in-chief is responsible for nominating additional editors when they are needed. The editor selection process is coordinated by the editor search committee, who will announce the open position to the community and encourage suitable candidates to apply. Once the editor is selected, the nominee will be presented to the steering committee for approval. All editorial board positions are for a term of five years.

Associate editors are called upon by the editors to assist in the peer review process. This can include providing independent assessments of manuscripts and reviews, and contacting reviewers on behalf of the editor. Associate editors are appointed by the editor-in-chief after consultation with the editorial board. Open associate editor positions will be announced to the community, and the candidates will be selected on the basis of their expertise in the advertised domain.